Why SyndiGate needs your content NOW

Content as a solution is an industry that continues to strive and grow. Large scale provides, or information brokers, collate content from around the world and offer to their database of clients. 

Whether it be risk solutions analysis for companies or government agencies content in all languages and territories plays a pivotal role. From data analytics supporting compliance, customer acquisition or fraud detection to providing transparency to financial markets through localised and specialist coverage connecting market participants to data and analytics, content providers SyndiGate onboards for our users is always curated to match growing needs. 

We provide content through our partners to the world’s most influential decision makers and as such we select publishing partners that allow us to collate information the fastest. We look for most in-depth news coverage to gain an edge. 

To see if your content can make a difference, and allow you access to another monetisation stream, see where you fit in to the SyndiGate supply chain with just some of the industries we supply content to listed below:



Our financial markets content is high on awareness, context and analysis allowing SyndiGate to be the primary source for those who need to know what’s happening now and what might happen next. 

Through your content we deliver unparalleled coverage of markets and securities with information across asset classes. Through our network our users gain up-to-the-minute access to the news that can make all the difference to the course of action a business takes.

Legal industry

Through SyndiGate’s network of publishers our partners can offer everything from the status of specific litigation to news on the dot for when something new hits the courts. When we select your content for our syndication network we want to ensure our users are kept informed about developments taking place in the industry that is most relevant to their clients.


Risk solutions

We help information brokers generate the right insights to identify risks and uncover new opportunities. By delivering a plethora of essential information the content we enable on our platforms allows customers across industry and government predict, manage and assess risks. 


SyndiGate is always looking to license content that helps our diverse customers reach diverse content types. Our content curators are always looking for monetisation opportunities for archival content and with our reach we have collections spanning centuries enabling researchers access to the world’s largest collection of dissertations, newspapers, academic journals and e-books, scholarly articles and so much more.

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