How can we increase our revenue performance?
Content Owners, Knowledge Base
- Provide SyndiGate with content that requires some sort of subscription, or is otherwise behind a paywall;
- If you have a dedicated print and a dedicated online version of your publication, provide both, to maximise the revenue potential;
- Agree to the broadest rights requested by SyndiGate within our standard Content License Agreement;
- Ensure you are deliverng your content in a timely manner (either before, or as soon as it it published);
- Ensure you are providing SyndiGate with every staff generated article (or other content item); and
- Ensure that SyndiGate has the latest marketing information for your publication or content service
There are various factors which can negatively effect and/or delay performance of the content we license, including:
- The amount of time it takes us to successfully market your content to a customer;
- The amount of time it takes a customer to launch your content to subscribers or end-users once they have agreed to license it from us;
- Slow reporting (our core customers for your content generally report royalties 60-90 days following the end of each billing period);
- Shared customers (you may already be providing your content to many of the same core customers we provide content to); and
- Content that is niche, or low-volume, or in-frequent, or non-English language, which can struggle in terms of usage and therefore royalty performance.
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