5 Tips Every Content Curator Needs to Write Better Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

By PAWAN DESHPANDE published JULY 17, 2013

Calls-to-action (CTAs) are among the most neglected of content marketing components — in both curated and created content. Yet, they are also among the discipline’s most essential features in terms of providing brand value. These simple, yet targeted, phrases are directly responsible for encouraging your audience to take a next step toward becoming a loyal customer, such as downloading your white paper, following you on Twitter, registering for your webinar, or sharing your content with a friend or colleague.

Without a call-to-action, content marketing efforts amount to little more than writing exercises. It’s not enough to publish useful information; you want readers to engage with you and take an action that will provide value for your business. 

Here are a few examples:

In addition to being essential to your original content creation efforts, CTAs are also vital tools for the content curator. In the curation scenario, focus should be placed on the portion of the curated article where you provide commentary on why the content is relevant, rather than impacting any sections that you’re quoting and attributing to the original author. In the process of annotating and adding your own perspective, you can also elicit opinions from your readers and ask them to comment, as I did in this post on content marketing tools:

Creating your call

What goes into a strong call-to-action? Here are five tips for making yours as effective as possible.

Alternately, you could encourage readers to spread your content through social media or email by including a share bar or sharing buttons on your site.

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